Peer reviewed journal articles
Roosma, F. (2024). “Onbehagen omsmeden tot vernieuwingskracht” Naar een democratische verzorgingsstaat, Mens en Maatschappij, 99(4).
Haenraets, R. & Roosma, F. (2024). Welfare chauvinism in times of crises: The impact of the radical right political discourse. Journal of European Social Policy (online first)
Gielens, E., Roosma, F. & Achterberg, P. (2024). Dimensions of controversy: Investigating the structure of public support for universal basic income in the Netherlands. International Journal of Social Welfare (online first)
Pop, I., Roosma, F., & Achterberg, P. (2023). Detraditionalization, mental illness reports, and mental health professional care use in Europe. European Sociological Review – accepted for publication
Gielens, E., Roosma, F. & P. Achterberg (2023). Between left and right: A discourse network analysis of Universal Basic Income on Dutch Twitter. Journal of Social Policy. – accepted for publication
Roosma, F. (2022). A struggle for framing and interpretation: The impact of the ‘basic income experiments’ on social policy reform in the Netherlands. Journal of European Social Security, 24 (3), 192-212. doi: 10.1177/13882627221109846
Gielens, E., Roosma, F., & Achterberg, P. (2022). More than a Free Lunch: A content analysis of the controversies surrounding Universal Basic Income on Dutch Twitter. Social Policy and Society, published online Sept 2022, doi:10.1017/S1474746422000422
Van Rijn, M., Raab, J., Roosma, F., & P. Achterberg (2021) To prove and improve: An empirical study on why social entrepreneurs measure their social impact. Journal of social entrepreneurship, published online Oct 2021, doi: 10.1080/19420676.2021.1975797
Reeskens, T., Roosma, F., & Wanders, E. (2021). The perceived deservingness of COVID-19 healthcare in the Netherlands: a conjoint experiment on priority access to intensive care and vaccination. BMC Public Health, 21(1), 447-447, doi: 10.1186/s12889-021-10488-3
Roosma, F., & van Oorschot, W. (2021). Between hope and fear? Regional and social dividing lines in attitudes towards an EU minimum income scheme. International Journal of Social Welfare, 30(2), 170-181. doi: 10.1111/ijsw.12453
Rossetti, F., Roosma, F., Laenen, T., & Abts, K. (2020). An unconditional basic income? How Dutch citizens justify their opinions about a basic income and work conditionality. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 36(3), 284-300. doi:10.1017/ics.2020.15
Meuleman, B., Roosma, F., Abts, K. (2020) Welfare deservingness opinions from heuristic to measurable concept: The CARIN deservingness principles scale. Social Science Research, 85 doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2019.102352
Roosma, F. & Van Oorschot, W. (2019) Public opinion on basic income. Mapping European support for a radical alternative for welfare provision. Journal of European Social Policy, 30(2), 190-205. doi: 10.1177/0958928719882827
Roosma, F. (2019). Wie verdient nog onze solidariteit? Veranderingen in solidariteitsgevoelens met ouderen, zieken en gehandicapten, werklozen en immigranten in de 21ste eeuw. Mens & Maatschappij 94(4), 483-505. doi: 10.5117/MEM2019.4.006.ROOS
Gielens, E., Roosma, F. and Achterberg, P. (2019) Deservingness in the eye of the beholder: A vignette study on the moderating role of cultural profiles in supporting activation policies. International Journal of Social Welfare, 28(4), 442-453. doi: 10.1111/ijsw.12392
Kootstra, A. & Roosma, F. (2018). Changing public support for welfare activation policy in Britain and the Netherlands: A persuasion experiment. Social Policy and Administration, 52(4), 847-861.
Roosma, F., van Oorschot, W. & Gelissen, J. (2016). A Just Distribution of Burdens? Attitudes Toward the Social Distribution of Taxes in 26 Welfare States. International Journal of Public Opinion Research 28(3), 376-400, doi: 10.1093/ijpor/edv020 – S
Roosma, F., Van Oorschot, W. & Gelissen, J. (2016). The Achilles' heel of welfare state legitimacy: Perceptions of overuse and underuse of social benefits in Europe, Journal of European Public Policy, 23(2), 177-196. doi: 10.1080/13501763.2015.1031157
Roosma, F. (2015). Minder ‘jaloeziebelasting’ of meer ‘dagobertducktaks’? Publieke opinies over belastingen voor verschillende inkomensgroepen in Nederland. Sociologie 11(3), 475-493. doi: 10.5117/Sociologie/157433142015011003008
Roosma, F., Van Oorschot, W., Gelissen, J., (2014). The Weakest Link in Welfare State Legitimacy: European Perceptions of Moral and Administrative Mis-targeting, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 55(6), 489-508. doi: 10.1177/0020715214565932
Roosma, F., Van Oorschot, W., Gelissen, J., (2014). The Preferred Role and Perceived Performance of the Welfare State: European Welfare Attitudes from a Multidimensional Perspective, Social Science Research, 44, 200-210. doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2013.12.005
Roosma, F., Gelissen, J., Van Oorschot, W., (2013). The Multidimensionality of Welfare state Attitudes: A European cross-national study, Social Indicators Research, 113(1), 235-255. doi: 10.1007%2Fs11205-012-0099-4
Roosma, F. (2024). “Onbehagen omsmeden tot vernieuwingskracht” Naar een democratische verzorgingsstaat, Mens en Maatschappij, 99(4).
Haenraets, R. & Roosma, F. (2024). Welfare chauvinism in times of crises: The impact of the radical right political discourse. Journal of European Social Policy (online first)
Gielens, E., Roosma, F. & Achterberg, P. (2024). Dimensions of controversy: Investigating the structure of public support for universal basic income in the Netherlands. International Journal of Social Welfare (online first)
Pop, I., Roosma, F., & Achterberg, P. (2023). Detraditionalization, mental illness reports, and mental health professional care use in Europe. European Sociological Review – accepted for publication
Gielens, E., Roosma, F. & P. Achterberg (2023). Between left and right: A discourse network analysis of Universal Basic Income on Dutch Twitter. Journal of Social Policy. – accepted for publication
Roosma, F. (2022). A struggle for framing and interpretation: The impact of the ‘basic income experiments’ on social policy reform in the Netherlands. Journal of European Social Security, 24 (3), 192-212. doi: 10.1177/13882627221109846
Gielens, E., Roosma, F., & Achterberg, P. (2022). More than a Free Lunch: A content analysis of the controversies surrounding Universal Basic Income on Dutch Twitter. Social Policy and Society, published online Sept 2022, doi:10.1017/S1474746422000422
Van Rijn, M., Raab, J., Roosma, F., & P. Achterberg (2021) To prove and improve: An empirical study on why social entrepreneurs measure their social impact. Journal of social entrepreneurship, published online Oct 2021, doi: 10.1080/19420676.2021.1975797
Reeskens, T., Roosma, F., & Wanders, E. (2021). The perceived deservingness of COVID-19 healthcare in the Netherlands: a conjoint experiment on priority access to intensive care and vaccination. BMC Public Health, 21(1), 447-447, doi: 10.1186/s12889-021-10488-3
Roosma, F., & van Oorschot, W. (2021). Between hope and fear? Regional and social dividing lines in attitudes towards an EU minimum income scheme. International Journal of Social Welfare, 30(2), 170-181. doi: 10.1111/ijsw.12453
Rossetti, F., Roosma, F., Laenen, T., & Abts, K. (2020). An unconditional basic income? How Dutch citizens justify their opinions about a basic income and work conditionality. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 36(3), 284-300. doi:10.1017/ics.2020.15
Meuleman, B., Roosma, F., Abts, K. (2020) Welfare deservingness opinions from heuristic to measurable concept: The CARIN deservingness principles scale. Social Science Research, 85 doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2019.102352
Roosma, F. & Van Oorschot, W. (2019) Public opinion on basic income. Mapping European support for a radical alternative for welfare provision. Journal of European Social Policy, 30(2), 190-205. doi: 10.1177/0958928719882827
Roosma, F. (2019). Wie verdient nog onze solidariteit? Veranderingen in solidariteitsgevoelens met ouderen, zieken en gehandicapten, werklozen en immigranten in de 21ste eeuw. Mens & Maatschappij 94(4), 483-505. doi: 10.5117/MEM2019.4.006.ROOS
Gielens, E., Roosma, F. and Achterberg, P. (2019) Deservingness in the eye of the beholder: A vignette study on the moderating role of cultural profiles in supporting activation policies. International Journal of Social Welfare, 28(4), 442-453. doi: 10.1111/ijsw.12392
Kootstra, A. & Roosma, F. (2018). Changing public support for welfare activation policy in Britain and the Netherlands: A persuasion experiment. Social Policy and Administration, 52(4), 847-861.
Roosma, F., van Oorschot, W. & Gelissen, J. (2016). A Just Distribution of Burdens? Attitudes Toward the Social Distribution of Taxes in 26 Welfare States. International Journal of Public Opinion Research 28(3), 376-400, doi: 10.1093/ijpor/edv020 – S
Roosma, F., Van Oorschot, W. & Gelissen, J. (2016). The Achilles' heel of welfare state legitimacy: Perceptions of overuse and underuse of social benefits in Europe, Journal of European Public Policy, 23(2), 177-196. doi: 10.1080/13501763.2015.1031157
Roosma, F. (2015). Minder ‘jaloeziebelasting’ of meer ‘dagobertducktaks’? Publieke opinies over belastingen voor verschillende inkomensgroepen in Nederland. Sociologie 11(3), 475-493. doi: 10.5117/Sociologie/157433142015011003008
Roosma, F., Van Oorschot, W., Gelissen, J., (2014). The Weakest Link in Welfare State Legitimacy: European Perceptions of Moral and Administrative Mis-targeting, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 55(6), 489-508. doi: 10.1177/0020715214565932
Roosma, F., Van Oorschot, W., Gelissen, J., (2014). The Preferred Role and Perceived Performance of the Welfare State: European Welfare Attitudes from a Multidimensional Perspective, Social Science Research, 44, 200-210. doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2013.12.005
Roosma, F., Gelissen, J., Van Oorschot, W., (2013). The Multidimensionality of Welfare state Attitudes: A European cross-national study, Social Indicators Research, 113(1), 235-255. doi: 10.1007%2Fs11205-012-0099-4
Roosma, F. (2024). Onbehagen omsmeden tot vernieuwingkracht: Over het onbehagen in de verzorgingsstaat en democratische interventies die het weg kunnen nemen. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Van Gennep
Roosma, F. & Laenen, T. (2023) A Research Agenda for Public Attitudes to Welfare. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing
Laenen, T., Meuleman, B., Otto, A., Roosma, F. & Van Lancker W. (2021). Leading Social Policy Analysis from the Front: Essays in honour of Wim van Oorschot. Leuven: KU Leuven Centre for Sociological Research - - Liber Amicorum
Van Oorschot, W., Roosma, F., Meuleman, B. & Reeskens, T. (2017) The social legitimacy of targeted welfare: Attitudes on welfare deservingness. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
Roosma, F. (2016) A multidimensional perspective on the social legitimacy of welfare states in Europe, Tilburg University, Tilburg. - PhD Thesis
Roosma, F. (2024). Onbehagen omsmeden tot vernieuwingkracht: Over het onbehagen in de verzorgingsstaat en democratische interventies die het weg kunnen nemen. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Van Gennep
Roosma, F. & Laenen, T. (2023) A Research Agenda for Public Attitudes to Welfare. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing
Laenen, T., Meuleman, B., Otto, A., Roosma, F. & Van Lancker W. (2021). Leading Social Policy Analysis from the Front: Essays in honour of Wim van Oorschot. Leuven: KU Leuven Centre for Sociological Research - - Liber Amicorum
Van Oorschot, W., Roosma, F., Meuleman, B. & Reeskens, T. (2017) The social legitimacy of targeted welfare: Attitudes on welfare deservingness. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
Roosma, F. (2016) A multidimensional perspective on the social legitimacy of welfare states in Europe, Tilburg University, Tilburg. - PhD Thesis
Book Chapters
Roosma, F. (2023). Allies or enemies of the welfare state? Welfare support and critiques from activists and (political) pressure groups. In: B. Greve (ed.) Welfare States in Turbulent Times. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
Kochuyt, T., Abts, K., & Roosma, F. (2023). Varieties of welfare populism. Radical right voters between chauvinism and producerism. In: F. Roosma, & T. Laenen (eds.) A Research Agenda for Public Attitudes to Welfare. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
Leanen, T. & Roosma, F. (2022). Who should get what and why? Insights from welfare deservingness theory. In Yerkes, M. & Bal, M. Solidarity and Social Justice in Contemporary Societies. An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding Inequalities (pp. 65-75). Palgrave Macmillan
Van Oorschot, W., Roosma, F. & Laenen T, Meuleman, B. (2022). - Recent Advances in Understanding Welfare Attitudes in Europe. In Yerkes, M., Nelson, K & Nieuwenhuis, R. Changing European Societies – The Role for Social Policy Research (pp. 202–217). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Van Oorschot, W., Gielens, E. & F. Roosma (2022). Conditionality of solidarity in the Netherlands: An analysis of three waves of the European Values Study. In: Luijxk, R., Reeskens, T. & I. Sieben. Reflections on European Values: Honouring Loek Halman's contribution to the European Values Study. Tilburg: Open Press TiU
Roosma, F. (2021). The social legitimacy of European welfare states after “the age of austerity”. In. Greve, B. Handbook on Austerity, Populism and the Welfare State (pp. 110-129), Edward Elgar Publishing.
Laenen, T. and Roosma, F. (2021). How to study welfare state legitimacy. An analytical model inspired by the work of Wim van Oorschot. In: Laenen, T., Meuleman, B., Otto, A., Roosma, F., Van Lancker W. (eds) (Leading Social Policy Analysis from the Front. Essays in honour of Wim van Oorschot. Leuven: KU Leuven.
Roosma, F. (2020). Perceived abuse of welfare benefits in times of crisis. Change or stability in the Achilles’ heel of welfare state legitimacy? In B. Meuleman, W. van Oorschot, T. Laenen, Welfare Attitudes in Times of Crisis and Austerity. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
Roosma, F. & Jeene, M. (2017). The deservingness logic applied to popular opinions on work obligations of benefit claimants. In: Eds. Van Oorschot, W., Roosma, F., Meuleman, B. & Reeskens, T. The social legitimacy of targeted welfare: Attitudes on welfare deservingness, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Van Oorschot W. & Roosma, F. (2017). The social legitimacy of targeted welfare and welfare deservingness. In: Eds. Van Oorschot, W., Roosma, F., Meuleman, B. & Reeskens, T. The social legitimacy of targeted welfare: Attitudes on welfare deservingness, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Meuleman, B., Roosma, F. & Van Oorschot, W. (2017). Evaluating the fruitfulness of deservingness theory In: Eds. Van Oorschot, W., Roosma, F., Meuleman, B. & Reeskens, T. The social legitimacy of targeted welfare: Attitudes on welfare deservingness, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Roosma, F. & Van Oorschot, W. (2017). The social legitimacy of welfare states in European regions and countries. Balancing between popular preferences and evaluations. In: Eds: Kenneth, P. & Lendvai, N. Handbook of European Social Policy, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Roosma, F. (2023). Allies or enemies of the welfare state? Welfare support and critiques from activists and (political) pressure groups. In: B. Greve (ed.) Welfare States in Turbulent Times. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
Kochuyt, T., Abts, K., & Roosma, F. (2023). Varieties of welfare populism. Radical right voters between chauvinism and producerism. In: F. Roosma, & T. Laenen (eds.) A Research Agenda for Public Attitudes to Welfare. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
Leanen, T. & Roosma, F. (2022). Who should get what and why? Insights from welfare deservingness theory. In Yerkes, M. & Bal, M. Solidarity and Social Justice in Contemporary Societies. An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding Inequalities (pp. 65-75). Palgrave Macmillan
Van Oorschot, W., Roosma, F. & Laenen T, Meuleman, B. (2022). - Recent Advances in Understanding Welfare Attitudes in Europe. In Yerkes, M., Nelson, K & Nieuwenhuis, R. Changing European Societies – The Role for Social Policy Research (pp. 202–217). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Van Oorschot, W., Gielens, E. & F. Roosma (2022). Conditionality of solidarity in the Netherlands: An analysis of three waves of the European Values Study. In: Luijxk, R., Reeskens, T. & I. Sieben. Reflections on European Values: Honouring Loek Halman's contribution to the European Values Study. Tilburg: Open Press TiU
Roosma, F. (2021). The social legitimacy of European welfare states after “the age of austerity”. In. Greve, B. Handbook on Austerity, Populism and the Welfare State (pp. 110-129), Edward Elgar Publishing.
Laenen, T. and Roosma, F. (2021). How to study welfare state legitimacy. An analytical model inspired by the work of Wim van Oorschot. In: Laenen, T., Meuleman, B., Otto, A., Roosma, F., Van Lancker W. (eds) (Leading Social Policy Analysis from the Front. Essays in honour of Wim van Oorschot. Leuven: KU Leuven.
Roosma, F. (2020). Perceived abuse of welfare benefits in times of crisis. Change or stability in the Achilles’ heel of welfare state legitimacy? In B. Meuleman, W. van Oorschot, T. Laenen, Welfare Attitudes in Times of Crisis and Austerity. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
Roosma, F. & Jeene, M. (2017). The deservingness logic applied to popular opinions on work obligations of benefit claimants. In: Eds. Van Oorschot, W., Roosma, F., Meuleman, B. & Reeskens, T. The social legitimacy of targeted welfare: Attitudes on welfare deservingness, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Van Oorschot W. & Roosma, F. (2017). The social legitimacy of targeted welfare and welfare deservingness. In: Eds. Van Oorschot, W., Roosma, F., Meuleman, B. & Reeskens, T. The social legitimacy of targeted welfare: Attitudes on welfare deservingness, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Meuleman, B., Roosma, F. & Van Oorschot, W. (2017). Evaluating the fruitfulness of deservingness theory In: Eds. Van Oorschot, W., Roosma, F., Meuleman, B. & Reeskens, T. The social legitimacy of targeted welfare: Attitudes on welfare deservingness, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Roosma, F. & Van Oorschot, W. (2017). The social legitimacy of welfare states in European regions and countries. Balancing between popular preferences and evaluations. In: Eds: Kenneth, P. & Lendvai, N. Handbook of European Social Policy, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Popular publications
Roosma, F. (2024). Een verzorgingsstaat die iedereen bedient. Socialisme & Democratie, 81(1), 64-75.
Roosma, F. (December 2023) De verzorgingsstaat; wat als we die opnieuw mochten opbouwen. Beste – ID’ – de Jaarlijkse Vraag.
Applica sprl, Tarki Social Research Institute, Meuleman, B. & Roosma, F. (2020) Attitudes towards adequacy and sustainability of social protection systems in the EU. Brussels: European Commission. doi: 10.2767/04757
Van Oorschot, W. & Roosma, F. (2020). Wat vinden Europeanen van een basisinkomen? Uitkomsten van een onderzoek naar de publieke opinie in 2016. In Kampen, T. Sebrechts, M., Knijn, T. & Tonkens T. (Eds). Streng maar onrechtvaardig. De bijstand gewogen (pp. 199-212). Tijdschrift voor Sociale Vraagstukken / Uitgeverij van Gennep
Roosma, F. and W. van Oorschot (2020) Steun voor het basisinkomen is vooral steun voor een 'basis'-inkomen, Sociale Vraagstukken, 21 Januari, 2020
Meuleman B., van Oorschot W., Baute S. Delespaul S., Gugushvili D., Laenen T., Rossetti F., Roosma F. (2018). Topline Results from Round 8 of the European Social Survey. The past, present and future of European welfare attitudes:
Roosma, F. (2018). De Achilles hiel van de verzorgingsstaat: Profiteren de juiste mensen van sociaal beleid? Mens en Maatschappij, 93(1).
Roosma, F. (2016). Helft Nederlanders wil nivellering inkomens via belastingen. Sociale Vraagstukken, 20 juni 2016.
Oorschot, W. van & Roosma, F. (2016). Het maatschappelijk draagvlak van sociale voorzieningen. De Gids op Maatschappelijk Gebied, 4, 5-10.
Roosma, F. (2016). Voor wie is de verzorgingsstaat? Waterstof, 76 (april).
Van Oorschot W. and F. Roosma (2015), The social legitimacy of differently targeted benefits, ImPRovE Working Paper No. 15/11. Antwerp: Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy – University of Antwerp.
Roosma, F. (2015). Een verzorgingsstaat voor iedereen. Socialisme & Democratie 72 (2) / Roosma, F. (2015). Een linkse agenda voor de verzorgingsstaat. de Helling 28 (1) (dubbel publicatie)
Groot-Wassink, R. & Roosma, F. (2013). Werk en Nieuwe Zekerheid, in, S. Herschberg (ed.), Mij een zorg! – De toekomst van de sociale zekerheid, Amsterdam, Balans
Roosma, F. & Pels, D. (2011). Werk, Sociale Zekerheid en het Goede Leven, in D. Pels & A. van Dijk (ed.), Vrijzinnig Paternalisme, naar een groen en links beschavingsproject, Amsterdam, Bert Bakker
Van Twist, M., Van der Steen, M. & Roosma, F. (2010). Administratieve Pijnbestrijding, Leren van Klachten en Meldingen. Den Haag, Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties
Van Beek, K., Verhoeven, I., Van der Steen, M. & Roosma, F. (2009). Anders gaan denken over ouderdom. Socialisme & Democratie, 66 (12).
Roosma, F. (2024). Een verzorgingsstaat die iedereen bedient. Socialisme & Democratie, 81(1), 64-75.
Roosma, F. (December 2023) De verzorgingsstaat; wat als we die opnieuw mochten opbouwen. Beste – ID’ – de Jaarlijkse Vraag.
Applica sprl, Tarki Social Research Institute, Meuleman, B. & Roosma, F. (2020) Attitudes towards adequacy and sustainability of social protection systems in the EU. Brussels: European Commission. doi: 10.2767/04757
Van Oorschot, W. & Roosma, F. (2020). Wat vinden Europeanen van een basisinkomen? Uitkomsten van een onderzoek naar de publieke opinie in 2016. In Kampen, T. Sebrechts, M., Knijn, T. & Tonkens T. (Eds). Streng maar onrechtvaardig. De bijstand gewogen (pp. 199-212). Tijdschrift voor Sociale Vraagstukken / Uitgeverij van Gennep
Roosma, F. and W. van Oorschot (2020) Steun voor het basisinkomen is vooral steun voor een 'basis'-inkomen, Sociale Vraagstukken, 21 Januari, 2020
Meuleman B., van Oorschot W., Baute S. Delespaul S., Gugushvili D., Laenen T., Rossetti F., Roosma F. (2018). Topline Results from Round 8 of the European Social Survey. The past, present and future of European welfare attitudes:
Roosma, F. (2018). De Achilles hiel van de verzorgingsstaat: Profiteren de juiste mensen van sociaal beleid? Mens en Maatschappij, 93(1).
Roosma, F. (2016). Helft Nederlanders wil nivellering inkomens via belastingen. Sociale Vraagstukken, 20 juni 2016.
Oorschot, W. van & Roosma, F. (2016). Het maatschappelijk draagvlak van sociale voorzieningen. De Gids op Maatschappelijk Gebied, 4, 5-10.
Roosma, F. (2016). Voor wie is de verzorgingsstaat? Waterstof, 76 (april).
Van Oorschot W. and F. Roosma (2015), The social legitimacy of differently targeted benefits, ImPRovE Working Paper No. 15/11. Antwerp: Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy – University of Antwerp.
Roosma, F. (2015). Een verzorgingsstaat voor iedereen. Socialisme & Democratie 72 (2) / Roosma, F. (2015). Een linkse agenda voor de verzorgingsstaat. de Helling 28 (1) (dubbel publicatie)
Groot-Wassink, R. & Roosma, F. (2013). Werk en Nieuwe Zekerheid, in, S. Herschberg (ed.), Mij een zorg! – De toekomst van de sociale zekerheid, Amsterdam, Balans
Roosma, F. & Pels, D. (2011). Werk, Sociale Zekerheid en het Goede Leven, in D. Pels & A. van Dijk (ed.), Vrijzinnig Paternalisme, naar een groen en links beschavingsproject, Amsterdam, Bert Bakker
Van Twist, M., Van der Steen, M. & Roosma, F. (2010). Administratieve Pijnbestrijding, Leren van Klachten en Meldingen. Den Haag, Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties
Van Beek, K., Verhoeven, I., Van der Steen, M. & Roosma, F. (2009). Anders gaan denken over ouderdom. Socialisme & Democratie, 66 (12).
Public Contributions, Interviews and Invited Presentations
Interview with De Helling:
Interview Sociale - Femke Roosma: ‘Politiek mag niet de agenda van sociaal professionals bepalen’ - 24 Oktober 2023 -
Presentation at Emeritaatsviering Marc Swyngedouw: 'Van tegenprestatie naar 'vertrouwen', van 'meedoen' naar 'bestaanszekerheid'. Hoe in Nederland het politieke denken over de sociale zekerheid kantelde. - 13 Oktober 2023
Interview VISIE - Femke Roosma: 'Waarom we mensen met een uitkering moeten vertrouwen' - 21 September 2023 -
Interview - Femke Roosma: ‘Je moet het debat over sociaal beleid aangaan’ - 18 September 2023 -
Presentation / webinar for SAM, Steunpunt Mens en Samenleving, Hoe vergroten we het draagvlak voor sociaal beleid - September 2023
Presentation in a workshop on deservingness perceptions, at the Center for European Studies and Comparative Politics (CEE), Sciences Po in Paris – April 2023
Presentation for the Joint Research Centre of the European Committee –workshop ‘ the Real Utopias for a Social Europe’ – on Universal Basic Income – 8th of June 2022 - online
Presentation at the British Academy Conference - Public Attitudes to Benefits Systems and their Users: Deservingness, Stigmatisation and Policy Design - 31st March 2022 - online
Position paper and participation in ‘Rondetafelgesprek’ for ‘de Tijdelijke commissie Fraudebeleid en Dienstverlening’ (Temporary Committee on Fraud Policy and Services) (working on a research proposal for the parliamentary inquiry) – 11th of October 2021
Studium Generale - Introducing the Netherlands: Poverty – December 2020
Presentation for the Society of Arts (Akademie van Kunsten), The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) ‘Beyond precarity. Towards a society with a basic income’ – 8 June 2020
Presentation in the workshop ‘Listening to European Citizens’ – Clingendael, The Netherlands Institute for International Relations - The State of the Union Conference 2019 – The Hague, 2019
Presentation on Basic Income Study Day – University of Antwerp & Instituut Gak – 13 June 2018
Lecture at Tilburg University - All you need to know about… Free Money (research about basic income) – April 2019
Presentation European Social Survey TopLine Report - 'Welfare event: The past, present and future of European welfare attitudes' – Brussel, 2018.
Guest lecture at the GSSS Summer School – University of Amsterdam – 2016 and 2017
Welfare retrenchment as self-fulfilling prophecy? Sources and consequences of opinions towards the perceived affordability of the welfare state - Swedish Institute of Social Research (SOFI) – Stockholm, 2016
Reflectie op de Reflexoverheid - Beleid en Maatschappij and Spui25 University of Amsterdam – Amsterdam, 2016
Theoretical and Empirical Multidimensionality of Welfare Opinions - Innovation of Governance – Twente University – Enschede, 2012
Interview with De Helling:
Interview Sociale - Femke Roosma: ‘Politiek mag niet de agenda van sociaal professionals bepalen’ - 24 Oktober 2023 -
Presentation at Emeritaatsviering Marc Swyngedouw: 'Van tegenprestatie naar 'vertrouwen', van 'meedoen' naar 'bestaanszekerheid'. Hoe in Nederland het politieke denken over de sociale zekerheid kantelde. - 13 Oktober 2023
Interview VISIE - Femke Roosma: 'Waarom we mensen met een uitkering moeten vertrouwen' - 21 September 2023 -
Interview - Femke Roosma: ‘Je moet het debat over sociaal beleid aangaan’ - 18 September 2023 -
Presentation / webinar for SAM, Steunpunt Mens en Samenleving, Hoe vergroten we het draagvlak voor sociaal beleid - September 2023
Presentation in a workshop on deservingness perceptions, at the Center for European Studies and Comparative Politics (CEE), Sciences Po in Paris – April 2023
Presentation for the Joint Research Centre of the European Committee –workshop ‘ the Real Utopias for a Social Europe’ – on Universal Basic Income – 8th of June 2022 - online
Presentation at the British Academy Conference - Public Attitudes to Benefits Systems and their Users: Deservingness, Stigmatisation and Policy Design - 31st March 2022 - online
Position paper and participation in ‘Rondetafelgesprek’ for ‘de Tijdelijke commissie Fraudebeleid en Dienstverlening’ (Temporary Committee on Fraud Policy and Services) (working on a research proposal for the parliamentary inquiry) – 11th of October 2021
Studium Generale - Introducing the Netherlands: Poverty – December 2020
Presentation for the Society of Arts (Akademie van Kunsten), The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) ‘Beyond precarity. Towards a society with a basic income’ – 8 June 2020
Presentation in the workshop ‘Listening to European Citizens’ – Clingendael, The Netherlands Institute for International Relations - The State of the Union Conference 2019 – The Hague, 2019
Presentation on Basic Income Study Day – University of Antwerp & Instituut Gak – 13 June 2018
Lecture at Tilburg University - All you need to know about… Free Money (research about basic income) – April 2019
Presentation European Social Survey TopLine Report - 'Welfare event: The past, present and future of European welfare attitudes' – Brussel, 2018.
Guest lecture at the GSSS Summer School – University of Amsterdam – 2016 and 2017
Welfare retrenchment as self-fulfilling prophecy? Sources and consequences of opinions towards the perceived affordability of the welfare state - Swedish Institute of Social Research (SOFI) – Stockholm, 2016
Reflectie op de Reflexoverheid - Beleid en Maatschappij and Spui25 University of Amsterdam – Amsterdam, 2016
Theoretical and Empirical Multidimensionality of Welfare Opinions - Innovation of Governance – Twente University – Enschede, 2012
Book Reviews
Roosma, F. (2018). Review Of The Book: The Generational Welfare Contract; Justice, Institutions And Outcomes, S. Birnbaum, T. Ferrarini & K. Nelson, J. Palme, 2017. Community, Work & Family.
Roosma, F. (2016). Boekbespreking: Het leven van scherpzinnige strijdster Rosa Luxemburg inspireert op vele fronten. Evans, K., Red Rosa, A Graphic Biography of Rosa Luxemburg, Beleid en Maatschappij, 43(3), 85-88. doi: 10.5553/BenM/138900692016043003012
Roosma, F. (2012) Boekbespreking: Raven, J. Popular Support for Welfare State Reforms. On Welfare State Preferences and Welfare State Reforms in the Netherlands, Mens en maatschappij 88(2), 238-241
Roosma, F. (2018). Review Of The Book: The Generational Welfare Contract; Justice, Institutions And Outcomes, S. Birnbaum, T. Ferrarini & K. Nelson, J. Palme, 2017. Community, Work & Family.
Roosma, F. (2016). Boekbespreking: Het leven van scherpzinnige strijdster Rosa Luxemburg inspireert op vele fronten. Evans, K., Red Rosa, A Graphic Biography of Rosa Luxemburg, Beleid en Maatschappij, 43(3), 85-88. doi: 10.5553/BenM/138900692016043003012
Roosma, F. (2012) Boekbespreking: Raven, J. Popular Support for Welfare State Reforms. On Welfare State Preferences and Welfare State Reforms in the Netherlands, Mens en maatschappij 88(2), 238-241
Conference Papers (not published later)
Roosma, F. & Gielens, E. (2022). Universality under pressure: Explaining Europeans' increased differentiating in solidarity with beneficiaries of social policies. ESPAnet Annual Conference, September, Vienna
Roosma, F. & Pop, I. (2019) Taking up the informal care for our elderly: Do trends in health care spending crowd in or out the perceived duty to provide long-term care? Stockholm: ESPAnet Annual Conference, 5-7 September.
Roosma, F. & Abts, K. (2017). The social legitimacy of shifting care responsibilities: A qualitative study on citizens’ evaluations of social welfare reforms in Dutch municipalities. Lisbon: ESPAnet Annual Conference, 14-16 September.
Roosma, F. & Reeskens, T. (2017). Welfare retrenchment as self-fulfilling prophecy? Sources and consequences of opinions towards the perceived affordability of the welfare state. Rotterdam: ESPAnet Annual Conference, 1-3 September.
Roosma, F. & Gielens, E. (2022). Universality under pressure: Explaining Europeans' increased differentiating in solidarity with beneficiaries of social policies. ESPAnet Annual Conference, September, Vienna
Roosma, F. & Pop, I. (2019) Taking up the informal care for our elderly: Do trends in health care spending crowd in or out the perceived duty to provide long-term care? Stockholm: ESPAnet Annual Conference, 5-7 September.
Roosma, F. & Abts, K. (2017). The social legitimacy of shifting care responsibilities: A qualitative study on citizens’ evaluations of social welfare reforms in Dutch municipalities. Lisbon: ESPAnet Annual Conference, 14-16 September.
Roosma, F. & Reeskens, T. (2017). Welfare retrenchment as self-fulfilling prophecy? Sources and consequences of opinions towards the perceived affordability of the welfare state. Rotterdam: ESPAnet Annual Conference, 1-3 September.